Monday, April 18, 2011

RIP, Flip

If you haven't heard, parent company Cisco has killed off the Flip camera division in a fit of corporate restructuring. Flips are great little video cameras since they upgraded to HD quality (720p), and here at Edison we use the heck out of 'em.

The main reason cited by Cisco for discontinuing the little buggers is that smartphones such as the iPhone 4 are killing off the low end of the market. Wonder if Brutus stood over Julius Caesar's body, holding the bloody knife, saying "What have I done?"

RIP, Flip.

In the meantime, you can get in on the scavenger-feeding frenzy. I scored a Flip Ultra HD at the Piqua HH Gregg store over the weekend for $75. At the time they had two Flip Mino HDs for $75 each, and two Flip Ultras (NOT the HD versions) for $50 each.

Here are some other sources:!5791601/where-to-buy-cheap-flips-now-that-theyre-dead

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