Friday, December 30, 2011

Article: The 11 Best Innovation Essays We Published In 2011

As good a collection of essays on creativity, innovation and change as you will find. 



The No-Resolution Resolution: How to Really Be Happy in 2012

The No-Resolution Resolution: How to Really Be Happy in 2012
GOOD | DECEMBER 30, 2011

In mid-December, I celebrated my 30th birthday at a little Scandanavian restaurant in a quickly-changing part of DC. I was ... Read more

Friday, December 23, 2011

Codecademy Builds ‘Labs,’ A Web-Based Code Editor

Codecademy Builds ‘Labs,’ A Web-Based Code Editor

Smoking hot startup Codecademy, a service which teaches you how to program online has launched its Labs feature today, as a ... Read more

This New App Turns Your iPad Into Your Classroom

This New App Turns Your iPad Into Your Classroom
GOOD | DECEMBER 22, 2011

Thanks to the popularity of the Khan Academy's simple video lessons, millions of people around the globe have learned ... Read more

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tweet by Mindset Digital on Twitter

Here are a couple of new job titles to keep an eye on. 

Mindset Digital

 on Twitter

"We're Hiring! Two positions: Social Media Strategist and Community Manager/Trainer: #socialmedia #jobs #smjobs"
(Sent from Flipboard)



Article: MITx: The Next Chapter for University Credentialing?

MITx: The Next Chapter for University Credentialing?

(Sent from Flipboard)



Thursday, December 8, 2011

Article: SylvanSport Go Camper Trailer

These are really cool camper/haulers, and they are built in Sidney at Hydro!


Article: Brand Madness, Round 4 Match 2: Teradata vs. Midmark

Almost 5,000 votes cast and it's a dead heat! Show your support for Midmark, one of Edison's great community partners. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Article: Why Schools Need to Get Social, Local and Mobile

Faculty - be honest. How many of you read this and don't know what these services are or do, let alone how they can potentially impact teaching and learning?

Get out there! Mix it up. See what works and what doesn't. We area in a Cambrian Explosion of SoLoMo apps, and no, not every one will succeed. But some will, and they will dominate the landscape for the next decade and beyond.

Why Schools Need to Get Social, Local and Mobile

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Kepler Team Confirms First Earth-like Planet in a Habitable Zone, And Finds 1,094 More Worlds

This is seriously cool! I think we're starting to get the idea - there's a whole bunch of planets out there, and a big chunk of them are going to be life-friendly. 

Kepler Team Confirms First Earth-like Planet in a Habitable Zone, And Finds 1,094 More Worlds

Kepler 22b Kepler-22b, just 2.4 times the size of Earth, is the first planet known to comfortably circle in the habitable zone ... Read more

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Article: Tim Pool

Those of us old enough to remember the "Scud Stud" and those night vision images from the 1991 Persian Gulf War may recall how, regional politics aside, we were witnessing the rise of a New Thing - the 24-hour news channel as "something important". We can debate about whether cable TV is still relevant, and whether CNN et al squandered their legacy. But in this report about Occupy Wall Street "live stream" Tim Pool, I sense the rise of a new New Thing.

Tim Pool

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Study: More Than 15% of Workers Get Hired Through Social Networks

Connect, connect, connect!!!!

Study: More Than 15% of Workers Get Hired Through Social Networks

In a survey released today, recruiting software platform Jobvite noted that more than 22 million Americans used social networks ... Read more

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Photographer Annie Leibovitz recommends iPhone as a camera

Uh-huh, uh-huh! See what I'm saying???!!!

Photographer Annie Leibovitz recommends iPhone as a camera

In the world of photography, there's one person who stands out for her classic portraits of such ... Read more

Monday, November 14, 2011

Networked Society - a new short film about connectivity

A very interesting and insightful perspective on how we stand just at the brink of a truly networked society.

"We are the last generation that grew up in a dumb society, where things were stupid and uninteresting."

"All of the devices we make today have the potential to communicate with each other and have a reason to do it."

"When the light bulb was the thing, they dug up New York so that everyone could have lightbulbs in their houses. They didn't really see the extension of light bulbs, that you could have other electrical appliances. ...Jeff Bezos of Amazon ... thinks we are at the lightbulb stage of the internet."

Not a lot of "new" technology here, but a step back to look forward.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We've covered most of these, but good tricks nevertheless.... to begin releasing images under Creative Commons licensing - Dig in!

Like many other sites across the web, we’ve benefited from CC-licensed photos at for years — thank you, sharers! It seems only fitting, and long overdue, to start sharing ourselves.

This should be good! It will expose Creative Commons licensing to a much broader audience. Please read the article to determine what is off limits and what you can "remix" for yourself.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Siri hype, backlash and the long view

But the thinking here has to extend beyond the present and your own self. It reminds me a bit of the people who used to say that they needed a physical keyboard on their phone. And that Apple would eventually have to add one to the iPhone. It was a certainty.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Article: Codify – iPad

This looks really cool. I'm going to spring for the eight bucks and give it a try.

Codify – iPad

(Sent from Flipboard)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Article: Steve Jobs: “Death Is The Destination We All Share”

Full text of Jobs' 2005 Stanford commencement address.

Steve Jobs: “Death Is The Destination We All Share”

(Sent from Flipboard)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Doritos inventor dead at 97

Arch West, credited with creating munchie hall of fame snack chip Doritos, has died at 97 of "natural causes." His family will toss chips in his grave. I am not making this up.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

list of QR software

Student Barb asks:

Are QR codes a form of a web app? I know what they do, my son showed me last night, I've been seeing them popping up everywhere but didnt know how to use them.

Have you ever tried any of the software on this list?

I thought I would answer on the blog, as this could be of interest to a number of you.

I have experimented with two types of scannable tags - the classic QR code (black square pixels) and Microsoft's mobi tags, which are generated using colorful triangles.

Here's an example of an application for mobi tags:

The photo description panels for my iPhone Photography art gallery exhibit have QR codes. Users with smartphones can scan the tags and they take are directed to web pages for more information about the images.

QR codes are not really a form of web app. They are more related to the URL shorteners and others.

The classic QR codes generated by Kaywa (free to use, no account setup necessary) can forward to a URL, display a text message, dial a phone number or send an SMS message.

The Microsoft mobi tag types are URL, app download, free text, vCard and dialer. Microsoft tags are free to create and use, but do require an account setup.

By setting up an account, users can track statistics about how often the tags are scanned and when.


There are three parts to implementing QR tags: Tag creation, tag management, and tag scanning.

Scanning tags

Users download an app, usually to a smartphone, to be able to scan and interpret the codes. Some readers are generic, able to read several formats, while others are specific to a single format. This may be a temporary barrier - a number of technologies are in the works to both make tag scanning an integrated function of the smartphone camera so no additional app is necessary, and to extend the concept to real-world images, not just generated tags.

Creating tags

When a company, organization or individual wants to implement scannable tags, there are a number of questions to answer. First, of course, is who is your audience? If you are implementing tags for an internal audience, then specialized or even proprietary systems may be appropriate.

However, if you intend to use codes in a public forum, then you need to take into consideration what your audience knows about scannable codes and how they will be placed. For instance, I chose the Microsoft mobi tags for the Smartdoor project because it is part of an art exhibit and the colorful tags were more appropriate to the venue, even though I knew few people had the Microsoft tag reader app installed before seeing the sculpture.

However, for the art gallery exhibit, I decided to use the more generic QR tags from Kaywa because more readers are capable of interpreting the codes, the exhibit would be in place for just one month, and black and white worked well with the display's aesthetics.

Tag creation software can be free or paid, depending on the level of customization and management needed.

Managing tags

If you do not want user statistics and the tags are "one use" then a free service like Kaywa may be enough. Microsoft is climbing uphill against the larger QR community, so they are making their service available for free to build market share, but they offer a pretty decent set of tag management and analytics tools.

For the Smartdoor, one advantage to using the mobi tags is that when the exhibit closes I can redirect the tag URLs and repurpose the Smartdoor for other events.


This is definitely something to explore, and thanks for the questions, Barb. Scannable tags and related technologies are strategies for integrating the real world with the online environment, and those who understand and can apply theses technologies will have a competitive advantage.

On Sep 22, 2011, at 7:07 AM, Schwarz, Barbara wrote:


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Huge spider web!

Must be close to Halloween!



Zuckerberg To Give Teachers $10k Each In Two Year Grant Program

Here's an idea I can get behind!

Zuckerberg To Give Teachers $10k Each In Two Year Grant Program

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg will be giving $10,000 grants to Newark teachers who come up with innovative programs as a ... Read more sent you a link to content of interest sent you a link to the following content:

With Version 2.0, Instagram Focuses On Re-engineering The Camera

The sender also included this note:

Instagram - a social media tool for images - has just launched a major upgrade!

Examples of adding images

Create a post and upload images



Look at this cool picture I found!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Article: Javascript Class For Programmers Online (Big Savings)

Javascript Class For Programmers Online (Big Savings)

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Tweet by Stephen Colbert on Twitter

Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome)

Posted at 11:12 AM September 15, 2011
on Twitter
"Saw an article that said SAT reading scores are at their lowest ever. Would tell you more, but I couldn't comprehend any of it."
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Hidden Super Powers of Apple's Preview utility - Image Editing

Friday, September 9, 2011

Photographer turns to iPhone to break from the pack

A photographer covering the Tour de France tries to break free from the pack of photographers covering the event by using his iPhone as his camera and taking the "outsider's" view of the race.

Challenge seeks mobile photos or videos

What urgent problem or need do you foresee becoming especially important in 2012?  Submit a compelling photo or video taken on a mobile device that reflects the World in 2012.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Getting a tow

A tow plane takes us to about 3000 feet. It was my job to releAse the rope and set the trim.

IMG_1367.MOV Watch on Posterous


Landing sequence

No, I'm not piloting. Yes, if was fun!

IMG_1371.MOV Watch on Posterous


Glider soaring

Inside the cockpit

IMG_1370.MOV Watch on Posterous


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Article: The value of college

Or as John Adams put it like 230 years ago: "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live." 

Article: A politician stays on message. Weirdly.

Bwaaaaah-hahaha aha!

Oh, and these strikes are wrong...

A politician stays on message. Weirdly.

(Sent from Flipboard)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Article: Blackboard Gets Bought

MORE focused on earnings? Doubtful. BB is already run like they get paid by the click.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

10 Creative Bar Code Designs [PICS]

Interesting if for no other reason than the documentation of Troy's place in retail history.

10 Creative Bar Code Designs [PICS]
MASHABLE! | JUNE 26, 2011

On this day in 1974, Clyde Dawson made history as the first consumer to buy a product which had been scanned into a till by its ... Read more

Monday, June 20, 2011

Dear Photograph

This is such a great idea!

Dear Photograph

“Take a picture of a picture from the past in the present.”  ★ Read more

Saturday, June 4, 2011

6 Free E-Books and Tutorials on HTML5

6 Free E-Books and Tutorials on HTML5

HTML5 is popular for building rich Web sites as well as cross-platform mobile applications. And it looks like with Windows 8 ... Read more

Monday, May 30, 2011

Article: 'Keep-Cool' Tips | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Timely advice from America's finest news source.

  • Purchase a Celsius thermometer to enjoy summer temperatures that rarely exceed 35 degrees.
'Keep-Cool' Tips | The Onion - America's Finest News Source,8091/

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kindle E-Books Now Outselling All Paper Books on Amazon

You'd think that someone who covers publishing for a living could spell bellwether. In any case, kindle took only four years to surpass all paper book sales on Amazon. Bellwether indeed!

Kindle E-Books Now Outselling All Paper Books on Amazon

Amazon announced a bell weather moment for electronic books today - Kindle e-books now completely outsell hardcover and ... Read more

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Is that a supercomputer in your pocket, or are you just happy to live in the future?

ONE core of the iPad 2 is equivalent to a Cray supercomputer circa 1985. Both cores may push it another decade, to 1994.

And, despite what the author says, 1985 is NOT a helluva long time ago.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Article: The Top 3 Daily Time-Wasters & How To Tame Them :: Tips :: The 99 Percent

Excellent tips for managing your time, from the 99% Conference website.

The Top 3 Daily Time-Wasters & How To Tame Them :: Tips :: The 99 Percent

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Article: The 99 Percent - It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen.

The name comes from TA Edison's quote.

The 99 Percent - It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen.

(Sent from Flipboard)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Article: Community colleges wasting student time and money - Class Struggle

Wait, what!?!!??

" Their professors still struggle to communicate with students who do not fit the usual collegiate mold."

The reporter makes some Valid points about relying on single measures of readiness, but you can't just drop claims like that into the last graf, with no evidence and no attribution. I think most of us do a fine job communicating with students who do not fit "the collegiate mold." that's why we're working at community colleges.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

Sometimes I think humans, as a species, are better at teaching than at learning. And sometimes I think the opposite. And then I give up, and try to be good at both.

Cover letter in 140 characters

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Video: 2011 Teacher Appreciation Day Message from Secretary Arne Duncan

2011 Teacher Appreciation Day Message from Secretary Arne Duncan

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Gore, Ex-Apple Engineers Team Up to Blow Up the Book

If they can bring this to the App Store for under $50 it could be a game changer.

Gore, Ex-Apple Engineers Team Up to Blow Up the Book

What do you do after working for Apple, a company that disrupts entire industries? Easy. You start a company to create your own ... Read more

Monday, April 25, 2011

Mashup editor Pipes - how did I miss this?

OK, still not sure how I've missed this, but I've just run across a mashup editor from Yahoo! called "Pipes."

Using a visual editor resembling a mind map or flowchart tool, you can fairly quickly stitch together content sources and filters to create a "mashup." An excellent example is this mashup of US Census data to display the population of the states in map form.

Another more dynamic mashup called YouTunes uses iTunes download rankings to pick the Top 10 songs, then displays the YouTube for the music videos of those songs.

I was able to use Pipes as a workaround to the Flickr-Flash monster. I wanted a Flickr slideshow based on search results to display on mobile devices such as iPhones, but Flickr's slideshow is in Flash. By using Pipes, I was able to search Flickr based on pre-defined search terms and display the results as an image badge, which I then embedded in a Weebly page, and it displays in iOS just dandy!

So, those of you who are currently taking NET115S, here's a new tool you might want to explore. For those of you who will be taking NET116S in the Fall, guess what we're going to do?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blogsy is a content creation tool built for iPad

I'm writing this blog post on a new tool downloaded from the App Store, Blogsy. Blogsy is a rich media-enabled content creation tool that integrates well with other cloud-based media sites such as Flickr and YouTube.

Blogsy connects to your accounts on those services, then allows for drag-and-drop inclusion of photos and videos into a blog post.

Here's a picture:

Tourest motel sign

I find I am quickly building a content creation path that goes something like iPhone to Flickr, Flickr to Blogsy, Blogsy to Blogger. By moving media from the device to the cloud, I don't have to worry about which device the image is on, or when or how I last synced the device. Just shoot it, upload it and it is available for whatever environment I want to share it with.

It will be interesting to see whether the big guns - YouTube, Flickr, etc - can maintain a grip on these content creation services or whether other upstarts can break in. For instance, I'd like to be able to access my Instagram images directly from Blogsy. I know Instagram has released an API, so maybe that sort of thing is in the not-too-distant future.

The Wheel of the Sky - Beautiful stop-motion photography

Watch this in Hd if you can!

Monday, April 18, 2011

RIP, Flip

If you haven't heard, parent company Cisco has killed off the Flip camera division in a fit of corporate restructuring. Flips are great little video cameras since they upgraded to HD quality (720p), and here at Edison we use the heck out of 'em.

The main reason cited by Cisco for discontinuing the little buggers is that smartphones such as the iPhone 4 are killing off the low end of the market. Wonder if Brutus stood over Julius Caesar's body, holding the bloody knife, saying "What have I done?"

RIP, Flip.

In the meantime, you can get in on the scavenger-feeding frenzy. I scored a Flip Ultra HD at the Piqua HH Gregg store over the weekend for $75. At the time they had two Flip Mino HDs for $75 each, and two Flip Ultras (NOT the HD versions) for $50 each.

Here are some other sources:!5791601/where-to-buy-cheap-flips-now-that-theyre-dead

Interesting snapshot of mobile trends on Flickr

Yes, pun intended. By the time you read this, the iPhone 4 may be the most popular camera on Flickr.

Article: Olympus PEN Your Short Film Challenge

Here are some seriously professional short films made with seriously inexpensive cameras!

Olympus PEN Your Short Film Challenge

(Sent from Flipboard)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Article: Hanna :: :: Reviews

First line of the week: "Hanna” is a first-rate thriller about the drawbacks of home schooling.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide

My two favorite things Netflix and Mad Men, together at last. Like chocolate and peanut butter, vodka and olives, Bogie and Bacall....


Article: How To Steal Like An Artist (And 9 Other Things Nobody Told Me)

1. This is really neat. 2. I didn't make it.

How To Steal Like An Artist (And 9 Other Things Nobody Told Me)

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Article: The Web's Copernican Moment

" The second wave is the rise of startups that are adopting a mobile-centric view of the world from the outset."

The Web's Copernican Moment

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Article: Professors With Personal Tweets Get High Credibility Marks - Wired Campus

Is this too personal for you? Or too professional?

Professors With Personal Tweets Get High Credibility Marks - Wired Campus

(Sent from Flipboard)

Article: A quintessence of dust

This is absolutely beautiful! Ebert has truly found his voice.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A brilliant piece of motion graphics

Excellent use of palette and sound in illustrating on of the most powerful speeches in American history...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fifth Grade Radical Manifesto

In sorting through my Grandfather's personal effects this weekend, we ran across a forgotten chapter in the 1970's radical movement, a typed half-page manifesto from a free-thinking 10-year-old. At the time, I was living in Cygnet, Ohio (Wood County) and attending fifth grade in the Elmwood school district. Fifth and sixth graders from several small rural communities in the district were bussed to an isolated, aging building whose name I have forgotten and that I'm not even sure I could find. It may no longer exist.

I have almost zero clear memories of fifth grade - the twins Cheryl and Carol Tyson. Hamburg gravy on mashed potatoes in the basement cafeteria. Kickball. The kid on the bus who could turn his eyelids inside out.

> School
> > These following few paragraphs are about what I, Paul Bradley Reed, think about school.
> > First of all, I think they have a lousy system. For instance, they have one lesson after another and never a rest except lunch and recess.
> > And of course the busses. They don't even run half the time. Just Wednesday, Feb. 18, 1970 we got all loaded up and the bus wouldn't start.
> > Talking about the busses being crouded (sic) ! They're so crammed up you can hardly sit down with three but when you try to get four, well, that's another story. And they never heat the busses. Well, that's all I have to say.
> > Truthfully,
> > Paul Bradley Reed

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Five lessons learned from my grandfather

1. How to dunk donuts in coffee, leading to my lifetime attachment for too much coffee and too many donuts.

2. Be responsible and don't litter. Let the beer can fill with water so it will sink to the bottom of the lake and no just float on the surface.

3. How to level a pop-up camper with just a glass of water. Tools are what you make of them, and improvisation is a survival skill.

4. How to operate a riding mower by generously allowing me to mow his five-acre lot.

5. Mostly, how to be a grandfather. That's the most important lesson of all.

Rest in peace, Tom Shaw. You are fondly remembered!

Friday, March 4, 2011

On becoming an American

When I first saw the headline of this Slate article, I thought it would be another "everything you know is wrong" sort of thing. But actually it is an interesting, insightful and quite touching recollection of the citizenship naturalization process.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Photo retouching revealed!!5762410/models-real-faces-before-the-photoshop-magic

The unreal world of beauty photography exposed. Does knowing this make you any less insecure about your own appearance? Of course not!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Insights and Inside Info on IBM's meat-killing Jeopardy machine

Much of the power comes from IBM's carefully curated collection of data. Jennifer Chu-Carroll, one of the scientists who has worked on the project since it began over four years ago, says that Watson excels, predictably enough, when the answer is a detail stored in its database.

Corollary article:

Lest we get too enamored with our technological prowess, however, the authors make some comparisons with biology. “To put our findings in perspective, the 6.4*1018 instructions per second that human kind can carry out on its general-purpose computers in 2007 are in the same ballpark area as the maximum number of nerve impulses executed by one human brain per second.”

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hipstamatic and the Death of Photojournalism [Photography]

Hipstamatic and the Death of Photojournalism [Photography]

Read more

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tetrachromacy In Humans

A timely article, given that we have just discussed human color vision and its relationship to RGB (red, green, blue) monitors in NET105S Computer Graphics. You see, students - I DON'T just make this stuff up!

via NeuroLogica Blog by Steven Novella on 1/25/11

Are you a tetrachromat? Probably not, but it is possible that the rare person is, with the super mutant power of enhanced color vision. OK – I would rather have Wolverine’s regeneration, but enhanced color vision would be cool.

Color vision in vertebrates is a result of the cones in the retina. Vertebrate retinas have two types of light-sensing neurons: rods see in black and white but have good light sensitivity, and so are specialized for low-light (night) vision. Cones are less sensitive than rods, but they respond to a specific range of wavelengths of light – i.e. color. By combining the color information from different cones with different wavelength sensitivities the brain is able to perceive a wide range of colors.

Different groups of vertebrates have different numbers of cones, and therefore a different range and ability to discriminate colors. Birds, for example, are tetrachromats – they have four different cones and can see farther into the ultraviolet than humans. In fact the common ancestor of tetrapod vertebrates was likely a tetrachromat. Most mammals are dichromats with only two cones. It is thought this reduction occurred during the early years of mammal evolution when our mammal ancestors were nocturnal and burrowing animals, and so needed night vision more than color vision.

Many primates, however, (including humans and our close relatives) are trichromats with three cones, and therefore have rich color vision, but not as good as birds. In fact our understanding of the genetics of cones and color vision provided yet another compelling line of evidence for evolution. Trichromatic primates do not have the same cones as their vertebrate ancestors. They did not regain one of the two cones that were previously lost. Mammals have two cones – an autosomal S-cone (a short wavelength sensitive cone), and an X-linked L/M cone (sensitive to median and long wavelength visible light and located on the X-chromosome).

Sometime after the divergence of new-world and old-world monkey, an old-world monkey ancestor underwent gene duplication of the X-linked cone gene. At first these genes would have been identical, but over time they diverged to become distinct cones with separated wavelength sensitivity. In humans these cone genes are 98% identical. The cones added sensitivity to red wavelengths and resulted in trichromacy.

The research into the evolution of color vision has also led to some interested findings about human color vision specifically. It seems that humans have a significant degree of variability in the sensitivity of the cones. You have probably heard that some people are partially color blind, because it is standard (at least in the US) to test all school children for color blindness. But you may not have known that there is variability in the other direction as well, and that there are cases of tetrachromacy in humans.

One possible mechanism for this is that women may inherit two different versions of an X-linked gene for color vision. Women have two X-chromosomes, and in each cell one X-chromosome is inactivated essentially at random. So the retina would have a mixture (a mosaic) of cones from the two versions on the two different X-chromosomes, functionally producing four different cones in the retina.

In one study they found that most women with this condition did not demonstrate tetrachromacy on color vision tests – they still functionally were trichromats. This is likely due to the fact that the cones were not different enough. Although some hypothesize that the optic nerve or perhaps the brain combines the information from these distinct cones and treats them as one stream of color information. However, going against this hypothesis is the fact that 1 in 24 such women (according to one study) demonstrated four-dimensional (or tetrachromatic) color vision. This means that the optic nerve is capable of carrying tetrachromatic vision and the brain is capable of interpreting it.

There may be other mechanisms as well that could result in true tetrachromatic vision in humans. These cases demonstrate the plasticity of biology and the brain in particular. It also demonstrates that spontaneous mutations can result in the addition of function – in this case expanded color vision. Not only has this almost certainly happened in our evolutionary past, but it is happening today in living humans. This is not likely to result in the evolution of tetrachromacy in humans in general for two reasons. The first is that, in our modern society, there likely isn’t any selective advantage to tetrachromacy. Our primate ancestors probably benefited from trichromacy – the speculation being that it enabled them to forage for fruit and vegetables better. But unless we lived in a world dominated by fashion designers and painters, it’s hard to see how tetrachomacy would provide a significant survival advantaged.

Second, humans are a large out-bred population. This does not mean that we are not evolving, but it makes it very unlikely that such a mutation will significantly spread throughout the population. It could by chance become prominent in an isolated population – the so-called founder effect. This has been demonstrated for inherited diseases, but can also occur with favorable mutations like tetrachromacy.

For now tetrachromacy remains in isolated individuals who are lucky enough to have their own mutant power.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Snow blanket

Scene illuminated by solar LEDs and full moon, snapped with Camera +, no flash, cyanographic filter, on an iPhone 4.


Friday, January 14, 2011

She must be so pruod

Display at Texas Roadhouse


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Feature set of the next iPad looks awesome!

Check out this Joy of Tech comic, sent using The Funnies, possibly the best app for reading all your favourite comics on iPad. Get your copy today!