Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Video: The Impact of Kickstarter, Creative Commons & Creators Project | Off Book | PBS

A very nice video of how the Internet is changing the funding of, distribution of, and even the creation of art.

If this is typical of the quality of PBS's Off Book series, that will be worth a subscribe click.

The Impact of Kickstarter, Creative Commons & Creators Project | Off Book | PBS

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Article: Even Old Media Institutions Are Acting Like New Media

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sidewalk math

Cool, in a nerdy kin of way.



Sunday, March 18, 2012

Best Practices For Writing For Online Readers

Best Practices For Writing For Online Readers

I have less than 30 seconds to capture your attention with this post, so here goes: if you read some, most or all of the next 750 words or so, you wil... Read more

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The most astounding fact

Neil DeGrasse Tyson at his most eloquent and expansive.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Article: Shifting Students Out of Community Colleges and Into For-Profits

" cash-strapped state schools are cutting courses that cost more to teach, which unfortunately also happen to be the classes that are most likely to get students jobs"

Shifting Students Out of Community Colleges and Into For-Profits

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Article: Dayton Community College Trains Students for the Exciting Kind of Drone Jobs

This is kind of cool, actually.

Dayton Community College Trains Students for the Exciting Kind of Drone Jobs

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The future of online work is here



Friday, March 2, 2012


QR scan tags on memorial headstones, and online condolences - you can't escape the Internet, even in death.

